God’s Love Melted My Heart

God’s Love Melted My Heart

Alice was raised in the church and grew up attending her local Christian school. At nineteen, she married a preacher and started a family. From the outside, she appeared to have it all together. Alice had “played with drugs” in her teen years and left that...
“Praise God I’m Free”

“Praise God I’m Free”

At 36, Rocky lost everything. After a season of filling his life with drinking and gambling, he was back living with his parents. “I was an alcoholic and had been from an early age,” he said. His addictions caused him to lose his home, car and driver’s license along...
Brokenness Made Beautiful

Brokenness Made Beautiful

Several months ago, David, a Crossroads student in California, mailed several handmade clay pots to the Crossroads home office. He is in a therapeutic arts program in his facility, and he wanted to share his beautiful creations with us. Unfortunately, by the time the...