Crossroads Never Gave Up on Me

Crossroads Never Gave Up on Me

Mark spent most of his life running away from his past. He grew up watching his father abuse his mother. When Mark was six, his father took off with their family’s only vehicle, leaving his family alone and in debt. His mother suddenly had to raise four children on...
Former Drug Kingpin Now Uses Leadership Skills for Good

Former Drug Kingpin Now Uses Leadership Skills for Good

Garner has always been a leader. As a young adult, he used his leadership skills and influence as a drug kingpin. Many of the drug deals he arranged turned violent. Between the ages of ten and twenty-nine, he was shot at twenty-five times. One of the gunshot wounds he...
Former Crossroads Student Launching Recovery Ministry

Former Crossroads Student Launching Recovery Ministry

“You couldn’t even get yourself killed right.” The weight of his guilt, shame, and hopelessness was unbearable. Sitting in a holding cell, CJ couldn’t believe how he got there. After stealing a car, he got in a high-speed chase with police and tried to commit suicide...
Looking Ahead to 2019: Fruitful Longevity

Looking Ahead to 2019: Fruitful Longevity

By Lisa Blystra President & CEO, Crossroads The new year has begun, which means it’s the perfect time for us to pause and reflect on the incredible growth in 2018. We celebrated nearly doubling the number of students in our mentorship program, and we have been...