Every Crossroads student has a story worth sharing. Check out the stories of some of our students — in their own words.

Crossroads student in Texas
“I didn’t know who I was when I came to prison. I only knew who I was a part of. I had a reputation to keep as a thug, a gangster who was ready to kill in a heartbeat.
“I can’t say I had this awesome God encounter one day. But my relationship with God came in intervals. . . . I have come to understand who I am and whose I am. I am a child of the most High God, an ambassador of Christ. I am more than a conqueror, a saint, part of the royal priesthood. A believer!”
Crossroads student in Minnesota
“I used to think I didn’t have a testimony, but now I know I do. God has brought me through so much. When I first received my federal sentence of twenty-four years for dealing meth, I was so devastated. But each day God showed me He was with me in the way He has taken care of my four children and how He has given me strength to make it in here. I now know that God is the only way. The life I was leading before was the path to nowhere.”
Crossroads student in Ohio
“I became a Christian by surrendering my will and life to Jesus. God used this incarceration to draw me to Him. The Lord wants to save me from a continuous life of destruction!”
Crossroads student in Massachusetts
“I was born into a Christian household. I did feel that it was forced on me, and that is why I strayed from it. I was neglected as a child, put through the system and experienced physical, sexual and verbal abuse at a young age.
“But through all the pain and hardship I’ve gone through, God has always been with me. He’s never turned His back on me. Crossroads’ Bible study has kept me in touch with God through studying the Bible.”
Crossroads student in Connecticut
“I’ve really enjoyed doing this [Crossroads] course, and the letters from the mentors are so uplifting. It reminds me of God’s promise that I’ll never be alone. I’ve come to know I can’t do it alone and I need Christ.”
Crossroads student in New Jersey
“It took for me to be in and out of jail to see what was happening to me. The devil had me blindfolded to the things I was doing. He stole many years of my life. This time in jail, God opened my eyes. God is great. In 2014, I stopped using drugs and drinking. I don’t have the urge to do any of these things anymore.”
Former Crossroads student in Texas
“I was in prison for almost ten years. I have always believed in Jesus but never truly turned to Him until I hit rock bottom. The last few years, I have stayed faithful in my walk with Him, and He has changed my life. I now have a peace within me that I never had before.
“I read the Word every day and try to apply it to my life. I now know my purpose in life. God created me to love Him. I want to thank Crossroads for their Bible studies. As I studied Jesus’ life, I discovered who God really is.”
Crossroads student in Oklahoma
“I had an encounter with the Lord. Here I was selling dope and chasing women. Then the Lord spoke to my spirit in a still, small voice. He told me to go out where I sold dope and tell people about Him.”
Crossroads student in California
“I’ve been doing Crossroads since 2015. I’ve been incarcerated since 1995 and am serving a life sentence. I am writing to say thank you for the work you do. You have given me hope where there was none. You gave knowledge of God where I had none. You pointed me to life when I was dead in sin.
“Thanks to all those who sent me letters, I will be getting baptized this month. I have turned my life over to God. I am so overwhelmed with gratitude, because without everyone at Crossroads, it would not have been possible. God chose you to teach and guide me in His Word and ways.”
Crossroads student in Arizona
“People ask how a Christian can end up in prison. . . . I lost the battle and gave in to temptation. But I take heart that even King David, who was chosen by God, fell to temptation, sinned greatly and yet was restored in his relationship with God.
“Though I am physically captive, I am spiritually free. I have time to spend in prayer and in God’s Word. My life is an example of God’s enduring love. Even Christians can fall so far they end up in prison, but no one is so deep in sin that God cannot reach them and bring about true repentance.”
Crossroads student in North Carolina
“The Gospel is transforming me from glory to glory on a day-to-day basis. Crossroads has really helped me mature as a Christian. The knowledge I take away from these lessons helps me utilize the power God has granted me through His Word and Holy Spirit.”