The newest Crossroads Bible study course is now available in Mandarin. The translation project for Who are You? was completed last month. This will greatly benefit Crossroads extension centers in Singapore, Malaysia, and Australia where there are Mandarin-speaking students.

Who are You? was introduced to English and Spanish-speaking students two years ago. The course introduces students to Jesus through three short lessons. The lessons are designed to help students discover who they are in God’s eyes and understand that He loves them and has a plan for their lives.

The courses have been extremely effective in the United States where about 50 percent of students who completed the course asked for more information on how to commit their lives to Jesus.

Paul Tan

Ministry leaders in Singapore, Malaysia, and Australia are excited to have the course in Mandarin.

“We at Crossroads Prison Ministries Singapore are glad to have the course translated to Mandarin because we have many ex-offenders who are Mandarin speaking,” said Paul Tan, director of Crossroads Singapore. “And we are grateful because we believe only the Word of God can transform our brothers and sisters in prison into men and women of God if they are willing to give their life to Jesus 100 percent.”

Jack Simpson, office manager at Crossroads Australia, said: “Who are You? in Mandarin will enable Chinese students to address the important questions of life outlined in the course.  The positive outcome of the course witnessed in the openness of students who have done this course gives us no room to doubt that such will be replicated in the lives of Chinese students.”

