Guy thought he could run his own life. Although he grew up in a Christian home and accepted Jesus as a teenager, his daily life didn’t always reflect it. During his senior year of high school, he stopped going to church with his grandparents and followed in his...
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” – Jeremiah 29:13 Brian was raised in a Catholic family. Although he attended church dutifully, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. “I never really connected with God,” he...
Steven was paired with his Crossroads mentor, Cindy, in 2017. After nine months of studying the Bible together through the mail, their correspondence was interrupted. The interruption came as Crossroads began to navigate the complications of new mail restrictions in...
Although Zach attended many different churches growing up, he never considered himself a believer. Having experienced abuse as a child, Zach said that he “couldn’t reconcile what [he] had experienced with what [he] heard about God as a child in church.” He wrote, “My...
“Looking back, the pieces of the puzzle begin to fit together,” Dan explained over the phone. Dan is a Crossroads student who was released from prison two years ago and recently began his seventh course, Biblical Interpretation. He was happy to share with us about his...
Peter grew up believing God expected perfection. “My knowledge of God was that He was holy, righteous, jealous, perfect and angry and that He would punish sin because He is a just God. Therefore, I needed to act accordingly,” Peter remembered. “Although I knew He was...