When Gregory began serving his life sentence, he was disillusioned with religion. “I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church at a time when ugly scandals were coming to light about that organization,” he said. “Eventually, I left, looked at other kinds of...
Joyous Freedom by Alejandro R., CA Alejandro, a Crossroads student and artist in California, is one of the many students who have experienced transformation through participating in the Crossroads Prison Art Project. Being a Crossroads student and artist has pointed...
Judy de Vries-Wetters, left, had never met Valerie Todd before June 2021, but the two quickly discovered a connection through Crossroads. Judy is a longtime mentor, and Valerie was a student in the mid-1990s. (Photo compliments of Judy de Vries-Wetters) ...
Most people, when receiving a prison sentence, would likely react with sadness, frustration, or even anger. Marcus had a surprisingly different reaction: happiness. “I was happy because I knew God heard my prayers,” he explained. Marcus grew up attending church...
One year ago, Timothy responded to a prompt in his Crossroads Bible study with a poem about the day that landed him in prison with a life sentence. A husband and a father of two, he had struggled with alcoholism for several years, and he turned to alcohol in earnest...
Al Bonilla, pictured in the center of this photograph, has enrolled thousands of students into the Crossroads Prison Ministries Bible study program through his ministry to incarcerated individuals at Rikers Island in New York and several other correctional facilities...