This month, a group of Michigan students from Calvin Christian High School was given the assignment to perform a community service project.

But what started as a simple class project turned into something bigger. Partnering with Crossroads Prison Ministries (formerly Crossroad Bible Institute), the teens decided to make birthday cards for men and women in prison.

They created more than 60 handmade birthday cards, writing encouraging notes inside. Many men and women in prison don’t have much contact from the outside. So a simple card or letter can serve as a powerful reminder that they are not forgotten. Prisoners will often keep letters and cards for long periods of time so they can return to them as a source of hope and comfort.

“I think it was really eye-opening for our students to realize getting birthday cards is something they take for granted. But these prisoners probably don’t have that opportunity,” said teacher Ben Tameling. “So we are writing to them with some encouragement to let them know that we are thinking of them and praying for them.”

If you are interested in partnering with Crossroads in bringing hope and encouragement to men and women behind bars, please call 1-800-668-2450 or send us an email.
