“My life is awesome!” This is not a statement you would expect from someone isolated in solitary confinement while serving a twenty-five-year prison sentence. But it is exactly what Crossroads student Buddy wrote in his testimony. Growing up, Buddy took his family’s...
Six pastors in Bogotá, Colombia, shared their experiences with us. Pictured from left to right: Hector Mauricio Martines and Rosa Ines Bernal (Iglesia Cristiana El Poder de Dios), Doris de Trejos and Jorge Eliecer Trejos (Iglesia Cristiana Misionera el Sol), Jeimy...
Seated at a reentry ministry’s breakfast event, I glanced around at the faces of those in attendance, my mind racing with memories. I saw friends, chaplains, and mentors who had been involved since the beginning of the reentry ministry twenty years ago. As I listened...
Juan Carlos Lara (seated front row, center of picture) with the first cohort of Crossroads students in Argentina to receive certificates of completion Juan Carlos Lara’s journey to Crossroads began with a letter he didn’t want to deliver. Six years ago, while...
Every week, volunteers gather at Crossroads’ office in Grand Rapids, Michigan, to process and prepare lessons for distribution. They sort through an average of eight tubs of mail weekly, handling thousands of completed lessons, enrollment cards, and letters from our...
Alfredo believed he was beyond redemption. In an act of revenge, he had taken the life of another person. “I felt so horrible after I did it that I was just waiting to get arrested to pay for my crime. Revenge was supposed to make me feel good, but it didn’t,” he...