Solo Para Mentores: Semanal 4

Solo Para Mentores: Semanal 4

Estimado Mentor, Nuestro mundo se ha vuelto mucho más pequeño en las últimas semanas a medida que continuamos refugiándonos en el lugar. Soy una persona muy sociable y extravertido, y he tenido que adaptarme para conectarme con otros usando la tecnología. Aunque estoy...
Just for Mentors: MAY, Part 1 Post

Just for Mentors: MAY, Part 1 Post

Dear Mentor,   People around the world are persevering through a season in which their daily lives have been turned upside down. Many reports indicate this new world of social distancing will continue into the foreseeable future. The opportunity to flex our...

Just for Mentors: MAY, Part 1

Just for Mentors: MAY, Part 1 In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug encourages us to persevere amidst this season of uncertainty. In Romans 5, the apostle Paul offers us a reminder that suffering can produce perseverance, character and hope. Newsletter...