When Crossroads students finish a course of study, they receive a certificate to celebrate their accomplishment. Any time after they’ve finished their first course, they can request to receive a letter of recommendation from Crossroads to send to the parole board.

But, through their study of God’s Word, they receive so much more than that. They receive knowledge about their Creator and Savior. They receive encouragement and hope from their mentors. They receive forgiveness and unconditional love from God. They receive a second chance at life.

Jordan, a student in Tennessee, recently sent the following letter of thanks to Crossroads staff. We give all the praise to God for reaching out to students like Jordan and lovingly drawing them back to Him.

I wanted to write this letter to personally thank you for everything you have done for me through this program. I received my letter of recommendation to the parole board and cannot express how grateful I am for the kind words written about me.

I am not just thankful for the letter and certificate, but for how much more knowledge I’ve obtained and questions I’ve had answered about God’s Word. My relationship with Jesus Christ is stronger than ever. This has helped build my faith in our Lord. I was in church before I did what I did to come to prison, but I wasn’t living for God; I was serving me and not Him. I have always loved God, but I was a selfish person in so many ways. I was a national bodybuilder, caught up in the lust of the world, serving two gods like the Word instructs not to do. I was a foolish, broken, sinful man and I paid the price for my ways. I’m so thankful that God saved such a wretch like me. I’m a definition of what God’s grace is—undeserving favor—and His grace has completely changed my life.

I just want you to know that I am 100% committed to serving God and I will not ever return to my old ways. I am going to share my testimony to help others when I depart from prison. God is truly working through you all in this ministry. Thank you so much for everything and God bless you!



Would you like to share the good news of God’s grace with students like Jordan? Sign up to be a mentor.
