Prisoners in Africa are experiencing the love of God, as local churches are being trained to care for those incarcerated.

Cynthia Williams, director of international ministries for Crossroads Prison Ministries, recently traveled to South Africa and Tanzania to train and encourage Crossroads volunteer mentors in their ministry.

In South Africa, Cynthia, accompanied by Crossroads staff member Jacob Busccher, witnessed how a strong team of 218 volunteer mentors from churches across the country are bringing the love of Jesus to prisoners in 31 facilities. Currently, 550 prisoners are enrolled in the Crossroads program. During their visit, Cynthia and Jacob visited two prisons where they handed out graduation certificates to students.

“We came away so encouraged by what the Lord is doing through our Crossroads South Africa team, and by the lives that are being impacted, both our students and volunteer mentors,” Cynthia said. “We are unendingly blessed to partner with them.”

In Tanzania, Cynthia provided training for Norbert Mbwilza and his Crossroads Tanzania team. Some volunteer mentors traveled as much as twenty-four hours to attend the training event, where they were able to network and encourage one another in their ministry.

“I am so thankful to have been able to attend the meetings,” one mentor commented. “Now I really know how to do this ministry!”

After her trips, Cynthia affirmed that Crossroads is blessed to have such faithful and passionate volunteers in Africa. “These dedicated brothers and sisters are on the front lines of prison ministry, personally carrying the Word of God to welcoming hearts behind bars,” she said.

See the gallery below for photos from Tanzania and South Africa:
