Theron’s childhood was marked by bullying, loneliness, and rebellion.

While he experienced love from his parents at home, he was tormented by his classmates at school. Seeking an escape from their abuse, he began experimenting with marijuana and tobacco at thirteen.

“I wasn’t a good student. I would get into a lot of trouble,” he recalled. “Fights, detentions, mischief, and misbehavior of all types. Almost all of my teen years were lived as a hoodlum.”

At fifteen, a hallucinatory experience during an LSD trip shook him to the core, causing him to question his agnostic beliefs. This encounter served as a catalyst for a profound transformation in his life.

Becoming increasingly aware of the pain his rebellious actions had caused his parents, Theron asked his mother a pivotal question: Does God exist? He remembered, “She looked at me as if I had two heads and simply replied, ‘Yes!’”

This conversation sparked the beginning of his relationship with God as he decided to change his life for the better and began attending his mom’s church.

“I only wanted [my parents] to be proud of me and not have to be ashamed of me,” he shared.

Theron recently graduated from a yearlong Christ-based rehabilitation program at Springfield Rescue Mission where he resides and works.

At seventeen, Theron accepted Christ, started digging into God’s Word, and made plans to become a pastor. After enrolling in Bible college, Theron’s focus shifted to finding a wife. Putting this desire above God, his Bible college days were short-lived. Within a month, he returned home without a girlfriend or a degree. Intent on finding a life partner, he turned to Christian dating sites, where he eventually met the woman he would marry.

Several years into their marriage, Theron faced the tragic loss of his mother, which led him back to using marijuana. Things quickly spiraled out of control when a workplace injury led him to self-medicate with alcohol.

“Alcohol ruined my life,” he admitted. Battling addiction, Theron eventually found himself behind bars, and his marriage of eighteen years fell apart. However, God used these experiences to shape and transform him.

While in jail, Theron met Dave, a Crossroads student, who gave him an enrollment card for Crossroads’ mentorship program. Desperate for a connection with God, Theron eagerly applied and found solace in God’s Word within the confines of his cell.

“I was desperate to get as much of God as I could. That desperation has never left,” he shared.

Crossroads offered Theron hope amid uncertainty. Upon his release three years ago, Theron found himself at Springfield Rescue Mission, where he discovered a supportive and loving community. His time there has taught him patience, love, and the power of forgiveness.

Continuing his Crossroads studies on the outside and working full-time has been challenging, but Theron remains committed to prioritizing his relationship with God.

“The most helpful thing about the lessons was being in contact with someone on the outside and knowing I was in fellowship with other believers,” he said. “The lessons are still helpful even now. I am always growing and learning.”

Reflecting on God’s work in his life, Theron humbly acknowledges that he is still learning to accept God’s forgiveness. Fully aware of how broken his life had become, he has witnessed the transformative power of God’s grace.

“I am learning each day to die to myself, die to sin, and live for Jesus, walking in the Spirit and realizing that He truly does forgive me. What a blessing and privilege it is to be a part of this family. God certainly uses all of us for His good and glory,” Theron shared. “I thank Him for all that He has done and continues to do for me.”

Would you like to help support and encourage others like Theron as they learn about the transformative power of God’s grace? Consider signing up as a Crossroads mentor or donating today.


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