In light of the coronavirus pandemic, there are churches across the country that are wrestling with difficult questions. Do we continue to meet on Sunday mornings? How do we protect the most vulnerable in our congregations? How do we serve and bless our community during this anxious time?

Crossroads Prison Ministries is a powerful way to extend love, hope and encouragement to some of our society’s loneliest people. As more and more prisons restrict visitors, men and women in prison will face even more loneliness and despair.

During a time like this, ministries like Crossroads are more important than ever. Your church can be the hands and feet of Jesus to people who are being affected by social distancing due to the coronavirus. Through the simple act of reviewing a prisoner’s Bible study and writing them a letter, you can bring hope and a resounding reminder that they haven’t been forgotten.

As some churches close their doors for a season, Crossroads can also be a great way for congregants to stay in the Word and grow in their relationship with God.

Will you reach out to your pastor or people in your church and invite them to partner with Crossroads? We have an ongoing need for more volunteer mentors, especially those fluent in Spanish.

During this time, many people, including those in prison, are living in fear and uncertainty. As Crossroads and as the Church, we have an incredible opportunity to share the Love that casts out fear with people in prison. Will you and your church join us? You can point people here for information on how to become a Crossroads volunteer mentor.
