Dear Mentor,

Our world has gotten much smaller in recent weeks as we have continued to shelter in place. I am a very social, outgoing person, and I have had to adjust to connecting with others using technology. While I am thankful for the ability to chat with people on the phone or Zoom, it’s been very difficult not to be with people. Even on my daily walks, when I encounter others on the sidewalk, we make sure to create distance as we pass.

Many of us feel more isolated than ever.

I am reminded of another time of isolation in my life. When I was incarcerated, a literal wall was put between me and society. Over time, my sense of community became a distant memory. But the Church visited me through letters from Crossroads mentors. They welcomed me into their lives, giving me a new sense of belonging—not only to society but also to a family. Though I was physically isolated, they came to visit me in spirit.

My writing tip this week: Share with your students that they are your brothers and sisters in Christ despite the physical wall that separates you. Share what it means to you to “visit” them through lessons and letters. Remind them that God is always present with them, even when they feel alone.

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Matthew 18:20).


Serving alongside you,

Douglas Cupery
Church Mobilization Director
Crossroads Prison Ministries



  • We would like to offer the opportunity to have Doug Cupery speak about Crossroads to your church group via Zoom during this time that we cannot meet in person. Men’s or women’s ministry groups, adult Sunday school groups or even a gathering of interested friends would provide a wonderful opportunity to share why and how we serve men and women who are incarcerated. Please email if you would like to arrange a gathering.
  • When leaving a voicemail to report your student’s progress, please use the following selections for each category: “Needed Help,” “Good” or “Excellent,” as outlined on page 17 of the Crossroads Mentor Training Handbook. We have been receiving other descriptions that cannot be used to evaluate student engagement with lessons. For a reminder of the categories and selections to use in your reports, please visit org/newprogressreporting.
  • The staff continues to pray together for you and our students through video conferencing. It is a privilege and a gift to be able to continue our ministry in this difficult season. We trust in God’s promises to carry you through this time.