

Volunteer mentors are the heart of Crossroads Prison Ministries. In order to provide ongoing training and encouragement for volunteers, we provide monthly newsletters called Just for Mentors. Each newsletter includes tips, ideas and encouragement from Doug Cupery, director of church mobilization at Crossroads, and important news and reminders for mentors. We hope these newsletters help you become the best mentor you can be!

Just for Mentors: AUGUST 2023

Just for Mentors: August 2023

In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug discusses the importance of recognizing and addressing generational patterns. It is only through Jesus that trauma and damage passed from generation to generation can be healed and redeemed. Encourage your students to ask God for help in breaking the cycle of harmful generational patterns.

Just for Mentors: JULY 2023

Just for Mentors: July 2023

In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug urges us to remember that the church behind prison walls is not “less than” the church on the outside. Encourage your students to contribute to the body of Christ in whatever ways God has equipped and called them to serve in their present circumstances.

Just for Mentors: JUNE 2023

Just for Mentors: June 2023

In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug compares guilt and shame and the ways they can affect us. Remind your students that through Christ, there is no shame or condemnation. This issue also includes the Scripture reading and prayer guide for June and July.

Just for Mentors: MAY 2023

Just for Mentors: May

In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug examines what it means to be a dependable person. As we strive to be dependable, we reflect the faithfulness of our God. Assure your students that they can always depend on God!

Just for Mentors: APRIL 2023

Just for Mentors: April

In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug discusses the importance of consistency in training puppies and in our daily interactions with others. We also announce the launch of our new lesson specifically designed for students in jails and short-term facilities.

Just for Mentors: MARCH 2023

Just for Mentors: March

In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug recalls a health scare that challenged him to focus on how to live the days he had been given. We invite you to reflect on the greatest commandment and encourage your students to do the same. This issue also includes the Scripture reading and prayer guide for March and April.

Just For Mentors: FEBRUARY 2023

Just for Mentors: February

In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug reflects on the ministry of restoration. As God’s ambassadors, we are called to participate in His restorative work. We invite you to ponder what this means for you as a mentor and to challenge your students to seek ways to contribute to this work in their current circumstances.

Just for Mentors: JANUARY 2023

Just for Mentors: January

In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug recalls wrestling with loneliness and heartache in prison as he questioned whether God was there with him. He turned to Psalm 23 for comfort and peace. If your student is searching for God’s presence, remind them of the truths in this beautiful psalm.

Just for Mentors: DECEMBER 2022

Just for Mentors: December

In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug acknowledges how hard it can be to forgive ourselves. At Christmas, we remember the hope we have through the birth of our Savior, who came to take away all our sins. Remind your students of God’s gift of forgiveness! This issue also contains the Scripture reading and prayer guide for December and January.

Just for Mentors: November 2022

Just for Mentors: November

In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug discusses the challenges of remaining patient in inconvenient or frustrating situations. Many Crossroads students find their patience tested daily, as they have very little choice or control in their everyday lives. Encourage your students to ask God to help them let go of the things they can’t control and practice patience.

Just for Mentors: OCTOBER 2022

Just for Mentors: October

In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug ponders the similarities between road construction projects and God’s restorative work within the hearts of believers. Although the process may be long and painful, God is faithful. Encourage your students to look for ways God has been shaping and molding them along their journeys.

Just for Mentors: SEPTEMBER 2022

Just for Mentors: September

In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug describes a major disappointment in his life that challenged his faith. When you hear stories of trials, frustrations, and heartbreaks from your students, encourage them to lean on God to help them persevere.
