

Volunteer mentors are the heart of Crossroads Prison Ministries. In order to provide ongoing training and encouragement for volunteers, we provide monthly newsletters called Just for Mentors. Each newsletter includes tips, ideas and encouragement from Doug Cupery, director of church mobilization at Crossroads, and important news and reminders for mentors. We hope these newsletters help you become the best mentor you can be!

Just for Mentors: SEPTEMBER 2020

Just for Mentors: SEPTEMBER

In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug addresses the difficulties in writing to a student that claims they are innocent. What is our role as the Church in responding to this? What does Jesus Christ ask us to do?

Just for Mentors: AUGUST 2020

Just for Mentors: AUGUST

In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug discusses the role of the Church as it responds to the ongoing tragedies in the world. Some our students may not understand that the Church is not a building, but the reflection of Jesus in His followers. As His followers, how we act and how we serve others is our way of embodying the love of Jesus in the world!

Just for Mentors: JULY 2020

Just for Mentors: JULY

In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug brings up the steps to writing a letter to a Crossroads student. A letter can be simple but powerful. When you write a letter to a Crossroads student, a piece of yourself travels—sometimes great distances and beyond prison walls—to be with that student.

Just for Mentors: JUNE 2020

Just for Mentors: JUNE 2020

In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug discusses the difficulties that formerly incarcerated individuals face with being told they are unwelcome. It is the role of the Church to tell them, “You belong here! We care about you. So does God.”

Just for Mentors: MAY, Part 2

Just for Mentors: MAY, Part 2

In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug discusses processing grief and how Jesus helps us to heal from it. In the same way, we can encourage our students to seek Jesus and bring their pain to Him. Only Jesus can bring true healing!

Just for Mentors: MAY, Part 1

Just for Mentors: MAY, Part 1

In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug encourages us to persevere amidst this season of uncertainty. In Romans 5, the apostle Paul offers us a reminder that suffering can produce perseverance, character and hope.

Just for Mentors: Weekly 4

Just for Mentors: Weekly 4

In this week’s Just for Mentors Weekly, Doug encourages mentors to be in the community of the Body of Christ despite the space of social distancing. During this time, it’s especially important to share with students that they are brothers and sisters in Christ despite the physical wall that separates them!

Just for Mentors: Weekly 3

Just for Mentors: Weekly 3

In this week’s Just for Mentors Weekly, Doug discusses facing the difficulties with forgiving, comforting, and helping those who have harmed individuals and society. Doug brings to mind the passage of Jesus remembering the prisoner from on the cross.

Just for Mentors: Weekly 2

Just for Mentors: Weekly 2

In this week’s Just for Mentors Weekly, Doug encourages mentors to remember that everyone has a story–even those who are difficult to get along with. As Christians, we are called to live by these words, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone” (Romans 12:18).

Just for Mentors: Weekly 1

Just for Mentors: Weekly 1

Since the Crossroads office is closed due to COVID-19, we will be sending Just for Mentors more frequently to keep you updated. In this week’s Just for Mentors Weekly, Doug discusses why your ministry as a mentor is more important than ever.

Just for Mentors #31

Just for Mentors: MARCH 2020

Doug shares the story of Susan, a mentor who wrestled with her identity like many of the men and women in prison, but through Christ, Susan finds her identity as a child of God—a child of the King!

Just for Mentors #30

Just for Mentors: FEBRUARY 2020

In this month’s Just for Mentors, Doug discusses the facts behind mass incarceration and how we can lose sight of how these numbers represent people just like us.
