

Once we know we are loved—that God loves us regardless of our past, our present situation or who others say we are—we can love others. Tier 2 courses focus on learning to live that out. Students will learn about the entire story of God’s relationship with His people and the core of Jesus’ teachings. They will be able to identify ways God has impacted their lives, share those experiences with others and apply what they have learned to new situations.

In Tier 2, each student is paired one-on-one with a mentor who journeys with them through each course.

All in God’s Family

This course provides principles for healthy relationships and teaches students that no family, no matter how broken, is unredeemable.
  • Lesson 1: Trust God’s Plan (Click to View a Sample)
  • Lesson 2: Husbands, Love Your Wives
  • Lesson 3: Wives, Respect Your Husbands
  • Lesson 4: Make Your Home a House of Prayer
  • Lesson 5: Make Your Home a Safety Zone
  • Lesson 6: Speak the Truth in Love
  • Lesson 7: Weep with Those Who Weep
  • Lesson 8: Create Order in Your House
  • Lesson 9: Parents, Disciple Your Children
  • Lesson 10: Build a Quality Home

All Work Is God’s Work

This course gives students the tools to succeed in the workplace and helps them view work as a part of God’s calling for our lives.

  • Lesson 1: Change the Way You Think about Your Work (Click to View a Sample)
  • Lesson 2: Change the Way You Think about Your Paycheck
  • Lesson 3: Never Stop Working
  • Lesson 4: Never Be on Time
  • Lesson 5: Always Be Positive
  • Lesson 6: Don’t Be an Average Joe
  • Lesson 7: Say Goodbye to Laziness
  • Lesson 8: Don’t Bounce Around
  • Lesson 9: Become a Change Agent
  • Lesson 10: Find a Mentor

It All Belongs to God

An introduction to stewardship that guides students toward a practical, worshipful approach to managing their resources to the glory of God.

  • Lesson 1: The Source of All Things (Click to View a Sample)
  • Lesson 2: What God Requires of Us
  • Lesson 3: What the Bible Teaches about Work
  • Lesson 4: What the Bible Teaches about Giving
  • Lesson 5: What the Bible Teaches about Debt
  • Lesson 6: What the Bible Teaches about Spending
  • Lesson 7: What the Bible Teaches about Saving
  • Lesson 8: What the Bible Teaches about Investing
  • Lesson 9: What the Bible Teaches about Honesty
  • Lesson 10: The Choice Is Yours

Sermon on the Mount

This course is an overview of Christ’s teachings found in the Sermon on the Mount.

10 Men You Should Know

This course is a study of ten significant male figures in the history of redemption, culminating in a study of the life of Christ.

  • Lesson 1: Lost and Found (The Prodigal Son) (Click to View a Sample)
  • Lesson 2: The Enemy Inside (David)
  • Lesson 3: God Meant It for Good (Joseph)
  • Lesson 4: The Slippery Slide (Solomon)
  • Lesson 5: One Moment of Weakness (Samson)
  • Lesson 6: Don’t Throw Away the Key (Manasseh)
  • Lesson 7: Forever Faithful (Daniel)
  • Lesson 8: The End of the Beginning (Jehoiachin)
  • Lesson 9: Eyes that See (Paul)
  • Lesson 10: The King from Heaven (Jesus Christ)

10 Women You Should Know

This course is a study of ten significant women in the history of redemption, focusing on God’s faithfulness in each of their lives.
  • Lesson 1: Hope in God’s Promises (Eve) (Click to View a Sample)
  • Lesson 2: Looking Forward in Faith (Sarah)
  • Lesson 3: Chosen by a Loving God (Leah)
  • Lesson 4: Preserved by His Hand (Tamar)
  • Lesson 5: Included in the Promise (Bathsheba)
  • Lesson 6: A Most Blessed Calling (Mary)
  • Lesson 7: Set Free in Christ (The Adulterous Woman)
  • Lesson 8: Cleansed and Forgiven (The Bleeding Woman)
  • Lesson 9: Canceled Debt (The Uninvited Woman)
  • Lesson 10: Committed to Jesus (Mary Magdalene)

God’s Story of Redemption

This course demonstrates how the sixty-six books of the Bible fit together to tell the story of how God saves His people from sin through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. It contains 14 lessons that teach 30 key ideas.

  • Lesson 1: The Drama of Redemption
  • Lesson 2: The Fall into Sin
  • Lesson 3: A Promise to Redeem
  • Lesson 4: Saved to Serve
  • Lesson 5: Land of the Promise
  • Lesson 6: The Beginning of the Royal Line
  • Lesson 7: God Sends HIs Messengers
  • Lesson 8: God Remembers His People
  • Lesson 9: The Way of Wisdom
  • Lesson 10: Songs to God
  • Lesson 11: The Perfect Servant Arrives
  • Lesson 12: My Redeemer Lives!
  • Lesson 13: Living for the Lord
  • Lesson 14: The Hope of Glory
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