CYE Appeal 2023 02

Miracles of Hope by Mail

Men and women behind bars struggle with feeling forgotten by society and, in many cases, disowned by the people they love. Thousands receive no visitors, phone calls, or mail on a regular basis. Do they dare to hope that someone on the outside remembers them?

Our purpose at Crossroads is to remember men and women behind bars. We exist to remind them that they are beloved children of God whose lives have purpose and meaning.

We say our work creates mail-call miracles because we allow the loneliest people on earth to let hope into their hearts. With the help of God and supporters like you, we create mail-call miracles more than 120,000 times a year when someone behind bars receives a mentor’s encouraging letter and feedback on a Bible study.

Crossroads Prison Ministry is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose support depends on voluntary gifts from supporters. 

Legal Name: Cross Road Bible Institute dba Crossroads Prison Ministries
EIN Number: 38-2540316

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Crossroads is entirely free for men and women behind bars. After signing up, students are eligible to receive (depending on facility regulations):


  • A Bible, including large-print and Spanish versions.
  • All postage for lessons and letters to us through our postage-paid business-reply envelopes.
  • The chance to study God’s Word in English or Spanish with a mentor who answers their questions and shares God’s love with them.
  • The option to continue their studies after they are released.
  • Certificates of completion and books when they complete courses.
  • Progress letters to the parole board, the student’s judge, or a prospective employer to document that the student has been using their time behind bars productively.
  • Quarterly Just for Students newsletters and biannual Threads journals that showcase student art and poetry.
  • Advocacy to make sure they can continue to participate in Bible studies amid increased mail restrictions.

“It’s like Christmas morning when I receive feedback”

– Jerald P.

Crossroads student in Georgia

“A complete stranger loved me enough to send me the Word of God”

– Nancy C.

Crossroads student in Georgia

“Every time I receive mail from Crossroads family, my whole day feels different; I feel like there is a family that cares”

– Habib H

Crossroads student in Texas

“A stranger actually took their time to write to me! How great is that?”

– William L.

Crossroads student in Arizona

“Every time we have mail call, I’m excited to see if my lessons are here.”

– Derese A.

Crossroads student in California

Electronic Funds Transfer
To arrange for this, call the Crossroads office at 1-800-668-2450. Debit or credit donations can be set up as either a monthly or a one-time donation.


Check or Money Order
You may also donate in the form of a check or money order. Simply mail your check or money order to the Crossroads office at the following address:

Crossroads Prison Ministries
PO Box 900
Grand Rapids, MI 49509-0900


More Ways to Give

Planned gifts offer you smart and powerful ways to increase your impact – often while benefitting your family, too.

 Giving Stock, Real Estate or Other Assets

  • Gifts From Your IRA
  • Gifts in a Will
  • Gifts That Pay You Income